AEM – Configurations and Configurations Management in OSGi


In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) configurations are settings that control the behavior of OSGi bundles, which are modular components in AEM. These configurations define properties, values, and settings that can be dynamically updated without restarting the AEM instance.

Configurations Management

Configurations Management in AEM involves managing and organizing these OSGi configurations efficiently. It includes creating, editing, and deleting configurations, as well as applying configurations to specific bundles or services. Configurations can be managed through the AEM Web Console, OSGi Configuration Manager, or programmatically using the AEM APIs.

OSGi Configuration with the Web Console in AEM

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) configurations can be managed using the AEM Web Console. Here are the steps to create and manage OSGi configurations with the Web Console:

  1. Access the AEM Web Console: Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4502/system/console (replace “localhost” with your AEM instance’s hostname or IP address).
  2. Log in: Enter your AEM credentials to log in to the Web Console with administrative privileges.
  3. Navigate to the Configuration page: In the Web Console, click on the “Configuration” link in the left-hand navigation pane.
  4. Search for OSGi Configuration: In the “Filter” input field, type the name of the OSGi configuration you want to manage. The configurations are listed based on the filter criteria.
  5. Edit or Create a Configuration: If the OSGi configuration already exists, you can edit its properties by clicking on the configuration name and updating the values. If the configuration does not exist, you can create a new one by clicking on the “New” button and providing the configuration properties and values.
  6. Save and Apply Configuration: After editing or creating the OSGi configuration, click on the “Save” button to save the changes. Then, click on the “Apply” button to apply the configuration changes to the respective OSGi bundle or service.
  7. Restart Bundle or Service (if required): In some cases, applying OSGi configurations may require restarting the respective bundle or service. If prompted, restart the bundle or service to ensure that the changes take effect.
  8. Verify Configuration: Once the OSGi configuration is applied, you can verify the changes by checking the updated values in the Web Console or by testing the behavior in your AEM instance.

Note: It is important to be cautious when making changes to OSGi configurations, as improper configurations can cause issues with AEM instance stability and performance. Always backup your configurations and thoroughly test changes in a non-production environment before applying them to a production instance.

OSGi Configuration with configuration files in AEM

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) configurations can also be managed using configuration files. Here are the steps to create and manage OSGi configurations with configuration files in AEM:

  1. Access the AEM CRXDE Lite: Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4502/crx/de (replace “localhost” with your AEM instance’s hostname or IP address).
  2. Log in: Enter your AEM credentials to log in to the CRXDE Lite with administrative privileges.
  3. Navigate to the Configuration Folder: In the CRXDE Lite, navigate to the /apps directory and locate the folder where you want to store the OSGi configuration files. You can create a new folder if needed.
  4. Create or Edit Configuration File: Right-click on the folder and select “Create” to create a new configuration file, or select an existing file and click “Edit” to modify an existing configuration file. Configuration files in AEM typically have a “.config” extension.
  5. Define Configuration Properties: Open the configuration file in the text editor and define the properties and values for the OSGi configuration. The configuration properties should follow the OSGi configuration syntax, which typically uses the “key=value” format. For example:
  1. Save Configuration File: Save the changes to the configuration file.
  2. Apply Configuration: Once the configuration file is saved, AEM will automatically apply the configuration changes to the respective OSGi bundle or service. No further action is required.
  3. Verify Configuration: You can verify the changes by checking the updated values in the OSGi Web Console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr) or by testing the behavior in your AEM instance.

Effective configurations management is crucial for optimizing the performance and behavior of AEM instances. It allows administrators to fine-tune AEM settings, customize behavior, and manage dependencies between OSGi bundles. Proper configurations management ensures that AEM runs smoothly, performs well, and meets the specific requirements of a project or application.

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