Jackson exporter in AEM

Jackson Exporter is a popular library for serializing Java objects to JSON or XML format. In AEM, Jackson Exporter can be used to create custom Sling Models that can be exported to JSON or XML format for use in various frontend applications or as a part of Content as a Service (CaaS) solutions.

To use Jackson Exporter in AEM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add Jackson Exporter dependency: First, add the Jackson Exporter dependency to your project’s POM file:

    This dependency includes the Jackson XML module, which provides support for serializing Java objects to XML format.

  2. Create a Sling Model: Create a Sling Model that represents the content that you want to export. You can use the @Model annotation to define the Sling Model class and its properties.
  3. Implement Jackson Exporter: Implement the Jackson Exporter interface in your Sling Model class. This interface defines a single method, toJson(), which you must implement to generate the JSON or XML output.
    public interface JacksonExporter {
        String toJson(Object model);
  4. Configure the exporter: Use the @Exporter annotation to define the exporter type and resource type for your Sling Model. The exporter type specifies the format in which the content should be exported (such as JSON or XML), while the resource type specifies the type of resource that the Sling Model represents.
    @Model(adaptables = Resource.class, resourceType = "myapp/components/mycontent")
    @Exporter(name = "jackson", extensions = "json", options = {
        @ExporterOption(name = "SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS", value = "false")
    public class MyContentModel implements JacksonExporter {
        // implementation of toJson method

    In this example, the Sling Model represents a component with a “title” and “description” property. The @Exporter annotation specifies that the Sling Model should be exported as JSON, with the exporter name “jackson” and the extension “json”. An exporter option is specified to set the date format.

  5. Use the exporter in your component: Finally, use the Jackson Exporter in your AEM component by injecting it using the @Inject annotation. You can then call the toJson() method to generate the JSON or XML output for your content.
    private ResourceResolver resourceResolver;
    private JacksonExporter exporter;
    public String getJson() {
        MyContentModel content = resourceResolver.adaptTo(MyContentModel.class);
        return exporter.toJson(content);

    In this example, the exporter is injected into the component using the @Inject annotation, and the toJson() method is called to generate the JSON output for the content.

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