Top 30+ Most Asked AEM Interview Questions and Answers (2023)

1. What is Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management system (CMS) that allows businesses to create, manage, and deliver personalized digital experiences across multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. It provides a platform for creating, managing, and publishing digital content in various formats such as web pages, images, videos, and documents.

AEM integrates with other Adobe products such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and Adobe Campaign to provide a complete solution for digital marketing and customer experience management. AEM is built on a modular architecture, which allows for flexible customization and scalability. It also supports multi-site management, multi-language content, and collaboration among team members.

AEM offers a variety of features, including digital asset management, workflow automation, social media integration, responsive design capabilities, and mobile app development. It is widely used by businesses across various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and entertainment, to create and manage digital experiences that engage and delight customers.

2. What are the key features of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management system that enables users to create, manage, and deliver personalized content across different channels and devices. Some of the key features of AEM include:

  1. Content creation and management: AEM provides users with a wide range of tools to create and manage content, including text, images, videos, and other digital assets. Content can be created and managed within a central repository, making it easier to collaborate and ensure consistency.
  2. Multichannel delivery: AEM allows users to deliver content across multiple channels and devices, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and email. It also enables users to deliver personalized content based on user behavior, location, and other factors.
  3. Integration with other Adobe tools: AEM integrates with other Adobe tools such as Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, making it easy to create and manage digital assets across different platforms.
  4. Workflow management: AEM provides a flexible workflow management system that enables users to define, automate, and optimize content creation and publishing processes.
  5. Analytics and reporting: AEM provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that allow users to measure the effectiveness of their content across different channels and devices.
  6. Security and compliance: AEM provides robust security features, including role-based access control, encryption, and auditing, to ensure that content is secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Overall, AEM is a powerful content management system that enables businesses to create, manage, and deliver personalized content across multiple channels and devices, while ensuring security and compliance.

3. Why is Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) preferred over CMS?

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is preferred over traditional content management systems (CMS) for several reasons:

  1. Omnichannel delivery: AEM enables businesses to deliver content across multiple channels and devices, including web, mobile, social, and email. This allows businesses to reach their customers wherever they are, providing a seamless and consistent experience across different touchpoints.
  2. Personalization: AEM provides powerful personalization capabilities that allow businesses to deliver relevant and personalized content to their customers based on their behavior, preferences, and interests. This helps to increase engagement, loyalty, and conversion rates.
  3. Integration with other Adobe tools: AEM integrates seamlessly with other Adobe tools, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. This makes it easier to create and manage digital assets across different platforms, reducing the time and effort required to create and publish content.
  4. Workflow management: AEM provides a flexible and powerful workflow management system that enables businesses to define, automate, and optimize content creation and publishing processes. This helps to reduce errors and improve efficiency, allowing businesses to deliver content faster and more consistently.
  5. Analytics and reporting: AEM provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities that allow businesses to measure the effectiveness of their content across different channels and devices. This helps to optimize content and improve the customer experience.
  6. Security and compliance: AEM provides enterprise-level security features, including role-based access control, encryption, and auditing, to ensure that content is secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

4. What is the difference between AEM and Sitecore?

AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) and Sitecore are both powerful digital experience platforms used by organizations to manage and deliver digital content and experiences. Here are some key differences between the two platforms:

  1. Technology stack: AEM is built on a Java-based technology stack, while Sitecore is built on a Microsoft .NET technology stack. This difference in technology stack can affect things like development environments, integrations, and customization options.
  2. User interface: AEM has two user interfaces: Classic UI and Touch UI, while Sitecore has a single user interface that is highly customizable. Sitecore’s user interface is generally considered more intuitive and easier to use, while AEM’s interface offers more robust features and functionality.
  3. Content management: Both platforms offer robust content management capabilities, but AEM’s approach to content management is generally considered more flexible and scalable, while Sitecore’s approach is more intuitive and user-friendly.
  4. Marketing automation: Sitecore has a strong focus on marketing automation and personalization, with built-in features for lead scoring, email marketing, and analytics. AEM also offers marketing automation capabilities, but these are generally considered less mature than Sitecore’s offerings.
  5. Integration: Both platforms offer strong integration capabilities with other systems and tools, but Sitecore has a stronger focus on integration with Microsoft technologies, while AEM is more focused on integration with Adobe products and services.

Overall, the choice between AEM and Sitecore will depend on the specific needs and priorities of an organization. AEM is generally considered a more flexible and scalable platform, while Sitecore is often favored for its user-friendly interface and strong marketing automation capabilities.

5. What is the technology stack of cq5?

CQ5 (now known as Adobe Experience Manager or AEM) is a Java-based web application that runs on top of an OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) framework.

The technology stack of CQ5/AEM includes the following components:

  1. Java: CQ5/AEM is built on Java and uses Java frameworks and libraries such as Apache Sling, Apache Jackrabbit, and Apache Felix.
  2. Apache Sling: Sling is a RESTful web framework that provides an HTTP API for accessing content and data in the repository.
  3. Apache Jackrabbit: Jackrabbit is a Java-based content repository that is used by CQ5/AEM for content storage and management.
  4. Apache Felix: Felix is an implementation of the OSGi framework used by CQ5/AEM for modularization and component management.
  5. Adobe Granite: Granite is a set of libraries and APIs that provide common services for AEM, such as user management, workflow management, and content services.
  6. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: AEM uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building the user interface and client-side functionality.
  7. Apache Maven: Maven is a build automation tool that is used to manage dependencies and build packages for deployment in AEM.
  8. Apache Lucene: Lucene is a search engine library that is used by AEM for full-text search and indexing.

The technology stack of CQ5/AEM is designed to provide a scalable, modular, and flexible architecture for building and managing digital experiences.

6. Explain Sightly in the context of AEM.

Sightly is a templating language used in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for creating dynamic web pages. It was introduced in AEM 6.0 and is the default templating language in AEM.

Sightly is based on the HTL (HTML Template Language) syntax and allows developers to write HTML-like templates with simple expressions and control structures. Sightly templates are designed to be simple and easy to read, making them more maintainable and easier to debug.

Some of the key features of Sightly in AEM include:

  1. Expressive syntax: Sightly offers a concise and expressive syntax for writing templates, with simple expressions and control structures that can be easily understood and modified.
  2. Secure by default: Sightly is designed to be secure by default, with built-in protection against common security vulnerabilities like XSS (cross-site scripting) and injection attacks.
  3. Separation of concerns: Sightly encourages a clear separation of concerns between content and presentation, making it easier to maintain and modify templates over time.
  4. Dynamic template rendering: Sightly templates can be rendered dynamically based on content and other variables, making it easy to create dynamic web pages and user experiences.

Overall, Sightly is an important tool for developers working with AEM, offering a simple and secure way to create dynamic web pages and user experiences.

7. What is a content repository in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a content repository is a centralized storage system that stores digital assets, web content, and related information for an organization. It is a core component of the AEM architecture and provides a scalable and secure way to manage and store content across multiple channels and devices.

The content repository in AEM is based on the Java Content Repository (JCR) specification, which defines a standard way of storing and accessing content. The repository is organized into a hierarchy of nodes and properties, and it uses a versioning system to manage changes to content over time.

The content repository in AEM provides a range of features, including:

  • Content storage and retrieval: The repository can store any type of digital asset or content, including text, images, videos, and documents, and it provides APIs for accessing and retrieving content.
  • Versioning: The repository tracks changes to content over time, allowing users to access and restore previous versions of content.
  • Workflow management: AEM provides a built-in workflow engine that allows users to automate content approval and publishing processes.
  • Search: The repository includes a powerful search engine that enables users to find and retrieve content based on a wide range of criteria.
  • Security: The repository includes a robust security model that allows administrators to control access to content based on user roles and permissions.

8. What is the difference between a template and a component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a template and a component are both used to create and manage web pages and other types of digital content. However, there are some important differences between the two.

A template is a blueprint for a web page or other type of content that defines its structure, layout, and other properties. A template can include placeholders for content, such as text, images, and videos, as well as metadata, scripts, and other elements that define the behavior of the page. Templates are typically created by developers or designers and are used to provide a consistent look and feel across a website or other digital property.

A component, on the other hand, is a reusable building block that defines a specific piece of functionality or content on a web page. Components can include things like navigation menus, image galleries, contact forms, and more. Components are typically created by developers or designers and can be easily added to a page by content authors.

The key difference between a template and a component is that a template defines the overall structure and layout of a page, while a component defines a specific piece of functionality or content that can be reused across multiple pages. Templates provide a high level of consistency and control over the overall look and feel of a website, while components provide flexibility and modularity that can save time and effort when creating new pages.

In AEM, templates and components work together to provide a powerful and flexible way to create and manage digital content. Templates define the overall structure and layout of a page, while components provide specific pieces of functionality and content that can be reused across multiple pages.

9. What is the difference between a page and a template in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a page and a template are two different concepts that play important roles in creating and managing web pages and digital experiences.

A page is a specific instance of content that is created based on a template. It represents a single web page or digital experience and includes all of the content, assets, and components that make up that page. Pages are typically created by content authors using the AEM authoring interface and can be customized with unique content, styles, and layout.

A template, on the other hand, is a reusable framework or blueprint that defines the overall structure, design, and behavior of one or more pages. Templates are created by developers or designers and serve as a starting point for creating new pages or experiences. They provide a consistent and standardized layout and design, and include placeholders for content, components, and other assets.

The main difference between a page and a template is that a page is a specific instance of content that includes unique content and assets, while a template is a reusable framework that defines the structure and design of one or more pages. Pages are created by content authors and can be customized to meet specific needs, while templates are created by developers or designers and provide a standardized starting point for creating new pages or experiences.

In summary, a page represents a specific web page or digital experience, while a template provides a framework for creating new pages or experiences with a consistent layout and design. Both pages and templates are important concepts in AEM and are used in combination to create compelling digital experiences.

10. How do you create a custom component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

Creating a custom component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) involves several steps, including creating a new component folder, defining the component structure, and creating the necessary Java classes and HTML files. Here is a general overview of the process:

  1. Create a new component folder: In the AEM authoring interface, navigate to the location where you want to create the new component and select “Create” > “Folder.” Name the folder according to your naming convention (e.g., “mycomponent”).
  2. Define the component structure: Within the new component folder, create a new sub-folder called “jcr:content”. Within the jcr:content folder, create a new node called “cq:Component”. This node defines the component metadata, such as the component name and description. You can also define other properties, such as the component group, which determines where the component appears in the component browser.
  3. Create the necessary Java classes: To define the component’s behavior, you will need to create one or more Java classes that extend the appropriate AEM classes. For example, if you want to create a custom component that displays a list of articles, you might create a Java class that extends the “AbstractComponent” or “WCMUsePojo” class. This class will define the component logic, such as how to retrieve and display the list of articles.
  4. Create the necessary HTML files: To define the component’s appearance, you will need to create one or more HTML files that define the component’s markup and styles. For example, you might create an HTML file that includes a list of articles with links to the full article pages. You can use AEM’s built-in component editing tools to add placeholders for the component’s dynamic content.
  5. Register the component: Once you have created the necessary files, you will need to register the component with AEM. To do this, you can create a new “cq:Component” node in the /apps folder that references the Java and HTML files for your component.

Once you have completed these steps, your custom component should be available in the AEM authoring interface and can be added to pages like any other component.

11. What is a sling model in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

A Sling Model in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a Java class that provides a way to map content from AEM’s JCR repository to a Java object. It is a bridge between AEM’s content repository and the Java code that operates on that content.

Sling Models are part of the Apache Sling framework that AEM is built on. They use annotations to define the mapping between content in AEM and Java objects. Sling Models make it easy to access content in AEM’s repository and to use that content in Java code, making it a more efficient way to build components and templates.

Sling Models can be used in various ways in AEM, such as in components, servlets, and workflows. They are typically used in conjunction with AEM’s Sightly templating language, allowing you to use the data in a more structured and efficient way.

Some benefits of using Sling Models in AEM include:

  • Improved performance and reduced code complexity, as Sling Models eliminate the need for boilerplate code that retrieves content from the repository.
  • Enhanced maintainability, as Sling Models provide a clear separation of concerns between the presentation layer and the business logic.
  • Increased flexibility, as Sling Models can be easily reused across different components and templates, allowing you to build more modular and scalable solutions.

Overall, Sling Models provide a powerful and efficient way to map AEM content to Java objects, making it easier to develop and maintain components and templates in AEM.

12. What is the use of the dispatcher module in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

The Dispatcher module is an important component of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) that serves as a web server extension for caching and delivering AEM content. It acts as a reverse proxy, receiving HTTP requests from clients and forwarding them to AEM, which then generates and returns a response. The Dispatcher then caches the response and delivers it directly to clients for subsequent requests.

The main use of the Dispatcher module in AEM is to improve website performance and scalability by reducing the load on the AEM instances. By caching content at the edge of the network, the Dispatcher reduces the number of requests that need to be handled by the AEM instances, leading to faster response times, lower server load, and improved user experience.

Other benefits of using the Dispatcher module in AEM include:

  • Improved security: The Dispatcher provides a layer of protection for AEM instances by filtering requests and preventing unauthorized access to the server.
  • Better management and control: The Dispatcher allows you to configure and manage caching rules, purge content from the cache, and monitor cache statistics.
  • Improved scalability: The Dispatcher enables you to scale AEM horizontally by deploying multiple AEM instances and using the Dispatcher to load-balance traffic and distribute requests across the instances.

Overall, the Dispatcher module is a critical component of AEM that provides essential caching and delivery capabilities for web content. It enables organizations to improve website performance, security, and scalability, leading to better user experiences and increased engagement.

13. What is the difference between the author and publish instances in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), the author and publish instances are two different environments used for different purposes.

The author instance is the environment where content is created, edited, and managed by content authors and editors. It provides a user interface for authors to create and manage content, as well as a range of tools for content management, asset management, and workflow management. The author instance is typically not accessible to the public and is intended for use by internal teams only.

On the other hand, the publish instance is the environment where content is published and made available to the public. It is a read-only environment that serves as the delivery platform for the content created in the author instance. The publish instance is typically accessible to the public and is designed to handle high volumes of traffic.

Some key differences between the author and publish instances in AEM include:

  • Functionality: The author instance provides a full range of content management and workflow tools for authors and editors, while the publish instance provides a read-only interface for accessing and consuming content.
  • Security: The author instance is typically secured behind a firewall and is not accessible to the public, while the publish instance is designed to be accessible to the public and must be secured accordingly.
  • Performance: The author instance is typically optimized for content creation and editing, while the publish instance is optimized for content delivery and must be able to handle high volumes of traffic.

Overall, the author and publish instances in AEM serve different purposes and are optimized for different functions. The author instance is used for content creation and management, while the publish instance is used for content delivery and consumption.

14. What is the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) workflow, and how does it work?

The Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) workflow is a feature that enables users to automate and streamline content creation, publishing, and management processes. It provides a visual interface for designing and executing workflows, which can include a sequence of steps and actions, such as approvals, reviews, and content updates.

The AEM workflow is based on a set of predefined steps, which can be customized or extended to meet specific business requirements. A workflow can include a set of participants, who are assigned specific tasks or actions, as well as rules for routing content and notifications.

The AEM workflow works as follows:

  1. Design the workflow: Using the AEM Workflow Designer, users can create and design workflows by dragging and dropping predefined steps and actions onto the workflow canvas. The workflow can be customized to meet specific business requirements, such as adding new steps, modifying existing ones, or specifying participants.
  2. Initiate the workflow: Once the workflow is designed, it can be initiated by selecting a content item, such as a page or asset, and selecting the workflow from the AEM user interface. The workflow can also be initiated automatically based on predefined triggers, such as a content update or creation.
  3. Execute the workflow: As the workflow progresses, participants are notified of their tasks and can complete them through the AEM user interface. The workflow can include multiple branches and steps, allowing for complex decision-making and routing of content.
  4. Complete the workflow: Once all the steps in the workflow are completed, the content is automatically published or updated in AEM, depending on the workflow configuration. The workflow history is also saved for future reference and auditing.

Overall, the AEM workflow provides a powerful and flexible way to automate and streamline content creation, publishing, and management processes. It enables organizations to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

15. How do you deploy an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) application?

Deploying an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) application involves several steps, including preparing the application for deployment, configuring the environment, and deploying the application to production. Here are the general steps involved in deploying an AEM application:

  1. Prepare the application: The first step in deploying an AEM application is to prepare the application for deployment. This involves packaging the application code, assets, and configurations into a deployable package or archive, such as a JAR or WAR file.
  2. Configure the environment: Before deploying the AEM application, you need to configure the environment, including the AEM instances, servers, databases, and other resources. This involves setting up the infrastructure, configuring network access, and ensuring that all the necessary software and dependencies are installed and configured.
  3. Deploy the application: Once the environment is configured, you can deploy the AEM application to the production environment. This involves copying the deployable package to the server, unpacking it, and configuring the application settings, such as database connections and security settings.
  4. Test and validate: After deploying the AEM application, it is important to test and validate the application to ensure that it is working as expected. This involves performing functional and integration testing, load testing, and security testing to identify and fix any issues or bugs.
  5. Monitor and maintain: Once the AEM application is deployed and tested, it is important to monitor and maintain the application to ensure that it is performing optimally and meeting the business requirements. This involves monitoring server and application logs, performing routine maintenance tasks, and applying updates and patches as necessary.

Overall, deploying an AEM application requires careful planning, preparation, and execution to ensure that the application is deployed successfully and meets the business requirements.

16. What is the difference between an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) package and a bundle?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a package and a bundle are both used for managing and deploying code and configurations. However, they differ in their purpose and scope. Here are the differences between an AEM package and a bundle:

  1. Purpose: An AEM package is used to package and deploy content, configurations, and code changes. It can contain multiple files, such as content fragments, templates, and assets, as well as configurations, workflows, and OSGi configurations. A bundle, on the other hand, is a single JAR file that contains compiled Java code and metadata for OSGi services.
  2. Scope: AEM packages are used to manage and deploy content and configurations at the content level, while bundles are used to manage and deploy code changes and OSGi services at the component level. AEM packages are typically used for content management, while bundles are used for application development.
  3. Deployment: AEM packages can be deployed and installed using the Package Manager in AEM. They can be installed and updated in real-time, without requiring a server restart. Bundles, on the other hand, must be deployed as part of an OSGi bundle container, such as Apache Felix or Equinox. They require a server restart to be deployed and updated.
  4. Versioning: AEM packages support versioning and rollbacks, allowing users to manage and deploy multiple versions of the same package. Bundles also support versioning, but they are typically managed as individual components rather than as a group.

Overall, AEM packages and bundles serve different purposes and are used for different tasks. While AEM packages are used for content management and deployment, bundles are used for application development and OSGi services.

17. What is the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) touch UI?

The Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Touch UI is a user interface introduced in AEM 6.0 that is designed to provide a modern and intuitive user experience for content authors and administrators. It is based on the Adobe Coral UI framework and is optimized for touch-enabled devices such as tablets and smartphones. The Touch UI provides a simplified and streamlined interface for managing content, workflows, and assets in AEM.

Some of the key features and benefits of the Touch UI include:

  1. Responsive design: The Touch UI is designed to be responsive and adaptive, providing a consistent user experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  2. Drag-and-drop functionality: The Touch UI supports drag-and-drop functionality for managing assets, content, and components, making it easier for content authors to create and edit content.
  3. Customizable dashboard: The Touch UI includes a customizable dashboard that can be configured to display frequently used tools and resources, making it easier for content authors to access the tools they need.
  4. Integrated workflows: The Touch UI integrates workflows and approvals, allowing content authors to manage content and assets through a unified interface.
  5. Multi-site management: The Touch UI includes features for managing multiple sites and languages, making it easier for content authors to manage global content and assets.

Overall, the Touch UI is designed to provide a modern and intuitive user experience for content authors and administrators, making it easier and more efficient to manage content, assets, and workflows in AEM.

18. How do you create a responsive design in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

To create a responsive design in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), follow these steps:

  1. Define breakpoints: Start by defining the breakpoints for your responsive design. Breakpoints are the points at which your design will adapt to different screen sizes. A typical approach is to use breakpoints at 320px, 768px, 1024px, and 1280px, but you can adjust these based on your specific needs.
  2. Create components: Next, create the components that will make up your responsive design. It is important to design components that are flexible and can adapt to different screen sizes. Use the responsive grid system in AEM to create components that can be arranged in different layouts based on the screen size.
  3. Use CSS media queries: Use CSS media queries to define the styles for your components at different screen sizes. You can use the built-in CSS editor in AEM to write and apply these styles.
  4. Test and refine: Test your responsive design on different devices and screen sizes to ensure that it is working correctly. Refine your design as needed to ensure that it looks good and functions well across all screen sizes.
  5. Publish your design: Once you are happy with your responsive design, publish it to your website. AEM provides built-in tools for publishing content and assets to different channels and devices.

Overall, creating a responsive design in AEM involves defining breakpoints, creating flexible components, using CSS media queries to style components at different screen sizes, testing and refining your design, and publishing it to your website.

19. What are the best practices for optimizing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) performance?

Here are some best practices for optimizing Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) performance:

  1. Optimize content delivery: Optimize the delivery of content by using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to cache and serve content, using browser caching, and compressing content to reduce load times.
  2. Optimize code and scripts: Optimize your code and scripts by minimizing the number of HTTP requests, reducing the size of files, and minimizing the use of scripts and plugins.
  3. Use caching: Use caching to improve performance. In AEM, you can use caching at different levels, such as browser caching, server caching, dispatcher caching, and content fragment caching.
  4. Optimize the AEM instance: Optimize your AEM instance by tuning the configuration settings, such as thread pools, garbage collection, and memory allocation.
  5. Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of your AEM instance using built-in tools such as the AEM Performance Dashboard and the AEM Monitoring Console. These tools can help you identify performance issues and fine-tune your instance for optimal performance.
  6. Use efficient asset management: Optimize the management of assets in AEM by compressing images, using web-friendly formats, and optimizing metadata to improve search and retrieval.
  7. Use efficient authoring practices: Use efficient authoring practices, such as organizing content and assets, using a streamlined workflow, and minimizing the use of unnecessary features, to reduce the load on your AEM instance.

Overall, optimizing AEM performance requires a combination of best practices related to content delivery, code and scripts, caching, AEM instance optimization, monitoring, asset management, and authoring practices. By following these best practices, you can improve the performance of your AEM instance and provide a better user experience for your visitors.

20. How can we restrict certain users not to display some digital assets in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

To restrict certain users from displaying some digital assets in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), you can use access control policies. Here are the steps:

  1. Identify the digital assets: First, identify the digital assets that you want to restrict access to. You can do this by browsing the AEM DAM (Digital Asset Management) folder or by using the search feature to find specific assets.
  2. Create a new access control policy: Once you have identified the digital assets, create a new access control policy that restricts access to those assets. To create a new policy, go to the AEM Security Console, click on “Policies” and then click on “Create.”
  3. Specify the policy details: In the policy creation form, specify the details of the policy, such as the name, description, and the users or groups that the policy applies to.
  4. Set the permissions: In the policy creation form, set the permissions for the policy. You can use the “Allow” or “Deny” checkboxes to set permissions for specific actions, such as read, write, or delete.
  5. Apply the policy to the digital assets: Once you have created the policy, apply it to the digital assets that you want to restrict access to. To do this, select the assets in the DAM folder, click on “Properties,” and then click on the “Access Control” tab. From there, select the policy that you just created and click “Save.”

By following these steps, you can restrict certain users or groups from accessing specific digital assets in AEM.

21. How you can inherit the properties of one dialog to another dialog?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), you can inherit the properties of one dialog to another dialog by using the sling:resourceType property. Here are the steps:

  1. Create the source dialog: First, create the dialog that contains the properties that you want to inherit. This can be done in the AEM CRXDE Lite or using the AEM web console.
  2. Define the resourceType: In the source dialog’s cq:dialog node, define the sling:resourceType property and set its value to the path of the dialog that you want to inherit the properties in. For example, if the target dialog is located at /apps/myproject/components/content/mycomponent/dialog, set the value of sling:resourceType in the source dialog to /apps/myproject/components/content/mycomponent/dialog.
  3. Inherit the properties: In the target dialog’s cq:dialog node, set the sling:resourceSuperType property to the path of the source dialog’s cq:dialog node. This will inherit all the properties of the source dialog to the target dialog.
  4. Save and activate: Save the changes to the target dialog and activate them.

By following these steps, you can inherit the properties of one dialog to another dialog in AEM. Note that any changes made to the source dialog will automatically be inherited by the target dialog when it is reloaded.

22. How bundles are loaded and installed in CQ5?

In CQ5 (Adobe Experience Manager), bundles are loaded and installed using Apache Felix, the OSGi container that runs within the AEM instance. Here are the general steps for loading and installing a bundle in CQ5:

  1. Obtain the bundle: The bundle must first be obtained in the form of a JAR file. This can be done by downloading a pre-built bundle or building one yourself using a tool such as Maven.
  2. Access the Felix console: Access the Felix console by navigating to http://localhost:4502/system/console in a web browser. If prompted, enter your AEM credentials to log in.
  3. Install the bundle: In the Felix console, click on the “Bundles” tab and then click on the “Install or Update” button. Choose the JAR file containing the bundle and click “Install”. This will install the bundle in the OSGi container.
  4. Start the bundle: Once the bundle is installed, you can start it by clicking on the “Start” button next to its name in the “Bundles” tab. This will activate the bundle and make its services and classes available for use in AEM.
  5. Verify the bundle status: Finally, verify that the bundle has been successfully installed and started by checking its status in the “Bundles” tab. The status should be “Active” if everything was successful.

By following these steps, you can load and install a bundle in CQ5 using Apache Felix. Note that some bundles may require additional configuration or dependencies to function properly, so it’s important to carefully read the documentation and ensure that all requirements are met.

23. Difference between Dialog and Design Dialog in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Dialog and Design Dialog are two types of authoring dialogs that serve different purposes.

Dialog: Design Dialog:
A Dialog is a standard authoring dialog in AEM that is used to configure properties and content for a component. A Design Dialog is a special authoring dialog that is used to define the default content and settings for a component.
It is displayed when an author edits a component on a page and can be accessed by clicking the “Edit” button for the component.It is displayed when an author drags a component from the sidekick onto a page for the first time.
The Dialog allows authors to enter or select values for properties and content that are specific to the component instance on the page.The Design Dialog allows authors to set default values for the component’s properties and content, which will be used as a starting point for all instances of the component that are added to the page.
Dialogs are defined in the component’s JCR content, typically in a node named dialog.The Design Dialog is defined in the component’s JCR content, typically in a node named designdialog.

In summary, while both Dialog and Design Dialog are authoring dialogs in AEM, Dialog is used to configure component instance-specific properties and content, while Design Dialog is used to set default values for a component’s properties and content that are used for all instances of the component.

24. Explain DAM Renditions in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) ?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), DAM (Digital Asset Management) Renditions refer to different versions of an original asset that have been optimized for specific use cases, such as different screen resolutions or file formats. Renditions can be automatically or manually generated in AEM and are used to improve performance and user experience across different channels and devices.

Here are some key aspects of DAM Renditions in AEM:

  1. Purpose: Renditions are created to optimize digital assets for specific purposes such as web display, print, mobile, social media, etc. By creating different renditions, you can reduce page load times, improve search engine rankings, and ensure optimal quality for different output channels.
  2. Generation: Renditions can be generated in AEM automatically or manually. Automatic renditions are generated by AEM based on pre-defined rules, while manual renditions are generated by users on-demand using the Asset Editor.
  3. Configuration: AEM allows you to configure different settings for renditions, such as the image format, size, resolution, and compression level. You can also define custom rules for generating renditions based on different criteria such as file type, metadata, or folder location.
  4. Versions: Each rendition is stored as a separate version of the original asset, which allows you to track and manage changes over time. You can also compare different versions of a rendition to see how it has been optimized over time.

Overall, DAM Renditions are an important feature of AEM’s DAM capabilities, allowing you to optimize digital assets for different output channels and improve performance and user experience across your digital channels.

25. What is extending a component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) ?

Extending a component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a process of creating a new component that inherits the functionality of an existing component while adding new features or modifying existing ones. This approach allows developers to reuse existing code and assets, while also customizing components to meet specific needs.

To extend a component in AEM, developers can follow these general steps:

  1. Identify the component to extend: Choose an existing AEM component that provides the base functionality that you want to build on.
  2. Create a new component: Create a new component that extends the existing component. This can be done by creating a new component folder and copying the existing component’s files and directories into it.
  3. Modify the new component: Make any necessary modifications to the new component’s files and directories, such as adding new files or modifying existing ones. This can include modifying the component’s logic, markup, or styling.
  4. Register the new component: Register the new component with AEM by adding it to the component registry. This can be done by adding an entry to the component’s metadata XML file.
  5. Use the new component: Once the new component is registered, it can be used in AEM just like any other component.

Extending a component in AEM can be a powerful way to customize and extend the platform’s capabilities while still taking advantage of the underlying functionality and assets provided by AEM.

26. What is resource mapping in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

Resource Mapping in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a process of mapping a URL to a specific content resource in AEM. It allows users to access content and resources using friendly URLs that are easy to remember and understand, while also providing the ability to manage content and assets in a more organized way.

Resource Mapping is accomplished using the Apache Sling Resource Resolver framework, which is a core component of AEM. The Resource Resolver framework maps URLs to content resources by examining the request path and using various mapping rules and configuration settings to determine the appropriate resource to serve.

Resource Mapping is especially useful in situations where content needs to be served from different URLs or domains, or when content needs to be served from different locations depending on the request context. It can also be used to support search engine optimization (SEO) by providing friendly URLs that are easy for search engines to crawl and index.

Overall, Resource Mapping is an important feature of AEM that enables users to organize and manage content resources in a flexible and efficient way, while also providing a user-friendly experience for content consumers.

27. How to create Client Library folder in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)?

To create a Client Library folder in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AEM author instance using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the location where you want to create the Client Library folder. This can be a project folder, a website folder, or any other folder in the AEM repository.
  3. Right-click on the folder and select “Create” from the context menu.
  4. Select “Folder” from the drop-down list.
  5. In the “Title” field, enter a descriptive name for the folder. For example, “MyClientLib”.
  6. In the “Name” field, enter a unique name for the folder. This name should be all lowercase and use hyphens instead of spaces. For example, “my-client-lib”.
  7. In the “Template” field, select “Client Library Folder” from the drop-down list.
  8. Click the “Create” button to create the new Client Library folder.
  9. Once the Client Library folder is created, you can add CSS, JavaScript, and other assets to it using the AEM console or by uploading files directly to the folder.

Creating a Client Library folder in AEM is an important step in organizing and managing client-side assets for your AEM project. It allows you to group related assets together and provides a way to easily include them in your web pages using the AEM client-side libraries feature.

28. What is the use of channels property in clientlib in AEM?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), the channels property in Clientlibs is used to specify the output channel or delivery mechanism for the resources contained in the clientlib.

A clientlib is a collection of CSS, JavaScript, and other resources that can be included on a web page. The channels property is used to specify where and how those resources should be delivered. For example, resources could be delivered via different channels for different devices or for different parts of the website.

Some common values for the channels property include:

  • html – resources are delivered as part of the HTML page
  • mobile – resources are delivered to mobile devices
  • desktop – resources are delivered to desktop devices
  • print – resources are used for printing

When the channels property is defined for a clientlib, AEM will generate different URLs for the resources based on the channel specified. This allows AEM to optimize the delivery of resources to different devices or channels, improving performance and user experience.

29. Difference between Sightly and JSP.

Sightly and JSP are both templating languages used in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to render web pages, but there are some key differences between them:

  1. Syntax: Sightly uses a simpler and more concise syntax compared to JSP, which can make Sightly code easier to read and maintain. Sightly uses a combination of HTML-like tags and curly braces to embed expressions, while JSP uses a mix of HTML and Java syntax.
  2. Security: Sightly was designed with security in mind, and it includes several features that help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) and other security vulnerabilities. JSP, on the other hand, can be vulnerable to XSS attacks if not properly sanitized.
  3. Separation of Concerns: Sightly encourages a separation of concerns between the presentation layer and the business logic, making it easier to maintain and update code. JSP can sometimes mix presentation and logic code, which can make it harder to understand and maintain.
  4. Performance: Sightly is generally faster than JSP, as it uses a more efficient parsing algorithm and generates more optimized code.
  5. Learning Curve: Sightly has a slightly steeper learning curve than JSP, as it introduces new concepts like data-sly attributes and data-sly-use objects. However, many developers find Sightly easier to read and write once they become familiar with the syntax.

In summary, while JSP is still supported in AEM, Sightly is generally considered a more modern and secure templating language that offers several advantages over JSP.

30. How to pass values between two workflow steps in AEM?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), there are different ways to pass values between workflow steps depending on the specific use case. Here are some common methods:

  1. Workflow Metadata: Workflow metadata is a set of key-value pairs that can be used to store and pass data between workflow steps. You can set metadata values using the Set Workflow Data step and then retrieve them using the Get Workflow Data step.
  2. Payload: The workflow payload is the content or asset that is being processed by the workflow. You can modify the payload in one step and then access the modified version in a subsequent step. However, be careful not to modify the payload in a way that could break downstream processing steps.
  3. Process Arguments: Workflow process arguments are a set of arguments that can be passed from one step to another. You can define process arguments using the Start Workflow step and then retrieve them using the Process Arguments step.
  4. Workflow Variables: Workflow variables are variables that are defined and used within a specific workflow step. You can set workflow variables using the Set Variable step and then retrieve them using the Get Variable step.
  5. Content Repository: You can also store data in the content repository and access it from different workflow steps. For example, you could store data in a node within the content repository and then retrieve it using the Get Node Properties step.

In summary, there are multiple ways to pass values between workflow steps in AEM, including workflow metadata, payload, process arguments, workflow variables, and content repository. The specific method to use depends on the specific use case and the type of data being passed between steps.

31. When do we need to use Custom run modes in AEM?

Custom run modes can be used in AEM when there is a need for additional configuration based on specific requirements. Some scenarios where custom run modes might be useful include:

  1. Multi-site setup: If you have multiple sites within the same AEM instance, you can use custom run modes to define specific configurations for each site.
  2. Multi-tenant setup: If you have multiple tenants within the same AEM instance, you can use custom run modes to define specific configurations for each tenant.
  3. Additional testing environments: If you need to set up additional testing environments, such as staging or QA, you can use custom run modes to configure the AEM instances for these environments.
  4. Custom configurations: If you have specific configuration requirements that are not covered by the default run modes, you can create custom run modes to define these configurations.

Custom run modes can be created by adding a new run mode to the “” property in the “crx-quickstart/conf/” file of the AEM instance. Once the custom run mode is defined, you can use it to configure the AEM instance based on your specific requirements.

How a request is served in AEM?

In Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), which is a leading content management system (CMS) used for building websites and digital experiences, a request is served through a series of steps that involve multiple components working together. Here’s an overview of how a request is served in AEM:

  1. Request is received: When a user makes a request to access a page or asset on a website powered by AEM, the request is received by the web server (such as Apache HTTP Server or Adobe Dispatcher) that is configured to work with AEM.
  2. Dispatcher handles request: The request is then passed to the Adobe Dispatcher, which is a caching and load balancing component in AEM. The Dispatcher helps improve performance by caching static assets and dynamically routing requests to the appropriate AEM instance(s) based on the configured rules.
  3. AEM instance processes request: The request is then processed by the AEM instance that is responsible for serving the content. AEM instance is a Java-based web application that runs on a servlet container like Apache Tomcat. The instance handles request processing, content retrieval, and rendering.
  4. Sling handles request: Within the AEM instance, the Apache Sling framework handles the request processing. Sling maps the URL of the request to a resource in the AEM repository, which is a hierarchical data store that holds content and configuration information.
  5. Resource resolution: Sling resolves the requested resource and its associated components based on the URL and the content hierarchy in the repository. This involves finding the appropriate resource type, component, and template to use for rendering the content.
  6. Content rendering: The resolved content and components are then rendered into HTML or other output formats using the templates and scripts associated with the resource type and component. This can involve executing server-side scripts, such as Sightly (a templating language in AEM), and including content from other resources, such as images or videos.
  7. Response is generated: The rendered content is combined with other assets, such as CSS, JavaScript, and images, to generate a complete response that is sent back to the user as HTML or other output format.
  8. Response is sent: The generated response is sent back through the AEM instance, the Adobe Dispatcher, and the web server to the user’s web browser, which displays the requested page or asset.
  9. Caching and performance optimization: Throughout the request processing flow, various caching mechanisms, such as Dispatcher caching and AEM’s built-in caching, may be used to optimize performance by serving cached content for subsequent requests.
  10. Additional processing: AEM also provides other features, such as personalization, targeting, and analytics, that can further enhance the request processing flow based on configured rules and user interactions.

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