WordPress – Permalink Setting

WordPress Permalink Settings is an administrative feature that allows you to configure how the URLs for your website’s posts and pages are generated. To access the Permalink Settings screen in WordPress, you must log in to the WordPress Dashboard, go to the Settings menu, and select Permalinks.

Here are the key Permalink Settings that you can configure:

  1. Common Settings: This setting allows you to choose from several different permalink structures, including Plain, Day and name, Month and name, Numeric, Post name, Custom Structure.
  2. Optional: This setting allows you to include category and tag names in the URL, and you can also choose to add a trailing slash to the URL.
  3. Custom Structure: This setting allows you to define a custom permalink structure using specific tags, such as %year%, %month%, %day%, %postname%, %category%, and %tag%.

Overall, the Permalink Settings screen in WordPress allows you to configure how your website’s URLs are generated, which can affect how your website is indexed by search engines and how visitors navigate your website. It is important to choose a permalink structure that is both search engine friendly and user-friendly.

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