WordPress – Plugin Setting

WordPress Plugin Settings is an administrative feature that allows you to manage the plugins installed on your website. To access the Plugin Settings screen in WordPress, you must log in to the WordPress Dashboard, go to the Plugins menu, and select Installed Plugins.

Here are the key Plugin Settings that you can configure:

  1. Active Plugins: This setting allows you to view and manage the plugins that are currently active on your website. You can activate, deactivate, and delete plugins from this screen.
  2. Add New: This setting allows you to search for and install new plugins from the WordPress plugin repository. You can also upload and install plugins manually using this screen.
  3. Editor: This setting allows you to edit the code of your installed plugins. This is an advanced feature and should only be used by experienced developers.
  4. Plugin Settings: This setting allows you to configure the settings of individual plugins. The settings available will depend on the plugin and its functionality.

Overall, the Plugin Settings screen in WordPress allows you to manage the plugins installed on your website, which can extend the functionality of your website and add new features. It is important to keep your plugins up-to-date and to only install plugins from trusted sources to ensure the security and stability of your website.

Wordpress Social Share Plugin powered by Ultimatelysocial
Wordpress Social Share Plugin powered by Ultimatelysocial