Set Up Local AEM Development Environment using IntelliJ IDEA

Here are the steps to set up a local AEM development environment using IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Install IntelliJ IDEA: If you do not already have IntelliJ IDEA installed on your system, you will need to download and install it.
  2. Install AEM Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA: Install the AEM Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA by going to “File” > “Settings” > “Plugins” and searching for “AEM”.
  3. Create a new IntelliJ IDEA project: Create a new IntelliJ IDEA project by going to “File” > “New” > “Project”.
  4. Choose Maven as the project type: Choose “Maven” as the project type and click “Next”.
  5. Choose the AEM Maven Archetype: Choose the AEM Maven Archetype by clicking on the “Add Archetype” button and entering the following information:
    Group Id: com.adobe.granite.archetypes
    Artifact Id: aem-project-archetype
    Version: 27

    Click “OK” to save the archetype.

  6. Enter project information: Enter the following information for your project:
    • Group Id: The group ID for your project.
    • Artifact Id: The artifact ID for your project.
    • Version: The version number for your project.
    • Package: The package name for your project.

      Click “Next” to continue.

  7. Choose project SDK: Choose the JDK that you want to use for your project and click “Next”.
  8. Customize Maven settings: Customize the Maven settings if necessary and click “Next”.
  9. Review project summary: Review the project summary and click “Finish” to create the project.
  10. Open the project: Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA by going to “File” > “Open” and selecting the project folder.
  11. Set up AEM instance: Set up a local AEM instance on your system by downloading the AEM Quickstart JAR file from the Adobe website and running it.
  12. Configure IntelliJ IDEA to run AEM: Configure IntelliJ IDEA to run AEM by going to “Run” > “Edit Configurations” and adding a new configuration with the following settings:
    • Name: AEM
    • URL: http://localhost:4502
    • User name: admin
    • Password: admin
    • Use HTTP Authentication: checked

      Click “OK” to save the configuration.

  13. Run the AEM configuration: Run the AEM configuration by clicking on the “Run” button in IntelliJ IDEA.
  14. Verify AEM is running: Verify that AEM is running by opening a web browser and going to http://localhost:4502.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a local AEM development environment using IntelliJ IDEA. You can now start developing and testing your AEM project in IntelliJ IDEA.

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