AWS Tenancy

AWS Tenancy refers to the way in which Amazon Web Services (AWS) provisions and hosts resources for its customers. In AWS, tenancy determines the physical hardware on which an EC2 instance is hosted. There are primarily two types of tenancy in AWS: shared tenancy and dedicated tenancy.

  1. Shared Tenancy: This is the most common type of tenancy in AWS, and it’s the default setting for EC2 instances. In shared tenancy, multiple EC2 instances from different customers share the same physical hardware. The instances are virtualized and running on a shared infrastructure. This type of tenancy is the most cost-effective, and it’s suitable for most use cases.
  2. Dedicated Tenancy: In this type of tenancy, an EC2 instance is hosted on dedicated physical hardware, which means that the hardware is not shared with any other customer. Dedicated tenancy can be further classified into two categories:
    • Dedicated Instances: In this type of tenancy, EC2 instances are hosted on dedicated hardware, but the hardware is still owned by AWS and is shared among multiple AWS accounts.
    • Dedicated Hosts: In this type of tenancy, customers have complete control over the underlying physical hardware, which they can use to host their EC2 instances. This provides the highest level of isolation and can be useful for customers with strict regulatory requirements or who need to run software that requires specific hardware configurations. However, it is also the most expensive option.

AWS tenancy is an important consideration for customers with specific compliance requirements or for workloads that require dedicated resources. Understanding the different types of tenancy and their associated costs can help customers choose the best option for their specific use case.

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