C Type Conversion

Type conversion, also known as type casting, is the process of converting one data type to another in C. There are two types of type conversion: automatic and explicit.

Automatic type conversion occurs when the compiler converts one data type to another automatically, without any explicit instructions from the programmer. For example, if an expression contains both integers and floating-point numbers, the compiler will automatically convert the integers to floating-point numbers before performing the operation.

Explicit type conversion occurs when the programmer explicitly instructs the compiler to convert one data type to another. This is done using type cast operators, which have the following syntax:

(type_name) expression

For example, to convert an integer to a floating-point number, the following syntax is used:

int x = 10;
float y = (float) x;

In this example, the type cast operator (float) is used to convert the integer value of “x” to a floating-point number before assigning it to the variable “y”.

Type conversion is an important concept in C programming, as it allows programs to manipulate data in various ways. However, it is important to use type conversion carefully, as improper use can lead to errors and unexpected behavior in a program.

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