HTML Marquee Tag

The <marquee> tag is an HTML element that creates scrolling text or images on a web page. When used, the text or images within the <marquee> tag will move across the screen in a continuous loop.

Here is an example of how to use the <marquee> tag:

<marquee direction="left">This text will scroll from right to left.</marquee>

The direction attribute specifies the direction of the scrolling text. You can set this attribute to left, right, up, or down to make the text scroll in the desired direction.

You can also adjust the speed of the scrolling by using the scrollamount attribute, and set the behavior of the scrolling by using the behavior attribute. The scrollamount attribute sets the number of pixels the text or image should move for each iteration, while the behavior attribute sets the scrolling style to either scroll, slide, or alternate.

However, it’s important to note that the <marquee> tag is deprecated in HTML5 and should be avoided. This is because it is considered an outdated and non-standard way of presenting information on a web page. Instead, you should use modern CSS techniques to create animated effects on your web page.

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