AEM – Content as a Service

In the context of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Content as a Service (CaaS) refers to the ability to use AEM as a content repository and access that content through a set of APIs. This allows developers to create and deliver content to various channels and devices, such as mobile apps, websites, and IoT devices, without needing to use the AEM authoring interface.

AEM’s CaaS capabilities are provided through the AEM Headless Services, which enable developers to access content through REST APIs. AEM provides a number of out-of-the-box APIs for retrieving content, including GraphQL, Sling Models, and HTL/Sightly templates. Developers can also create custom APIs using AEM’s Sling framework.

Using AEM as a CaaS solution provides several benefits. First, it allows organizations to reuse existing content from AEM across multiple channels, reducing the need for duplicative content creation. Second, it enables developers to create content-driven experiences using modern technologies, such as React or Angular, without being tied to AEM’s proprietary technologies. Finally, it provides a scalable and secure content repository that can be used across the enterprise.

Overall, AEM’s CaaS capabilities allow organizations to take advantage of AEM’s content management capabilities while also providing developers with the flexibility and agility they need to create engaging digital experiences.

To write a Sling Model Content Exporter in AEM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Sling Model class: You can create a Sling Model class that represents the content that you want to export. The Sling Model should be annotated with the @Model annotation.
  2. Implement the Exporter interface: To create a Content Exporter, you need to implement the Exporter interface. This interface has one method, which is used to convert the Sling Model into a JSON representation.
  3. Create a Model Exporter Factory: The Model Exporter Factory is responsible for creating instances of the Content Exporter. You can create a Model Exporter Factory by creating an OSGi service.
  4. Register the Model Exporter Factory: You can register the Model Exporter Factory as an OSGi service. This will allow AEM to use the Factory to create instances of the Content Exporter.
  5. Configure the Content Exporter: Finally, you need to configure the Content Exporter to use the Sling Model that you created. This can be done by specifying the modelClass property in the Exporter configuration.

Here’s some sample code to get you started:

@Model(adaptables = Resource.class)
public class MyModel {

    private String title;

    private String description;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

@Component(service = ModelExporterFactory.class)
        adaptables = {SlingHttpServletRequest.class},
        resourceType = "myproject/components/mycomponent",
        defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL
public class MyModelExporter implements Exporter<MyModel> {

    public void exportAsJson(Writer writer, MyModel myModel) throws IOException {
        JsonObject jsonObject = Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("title", myModel.getTitle())
                .add("description", myModel.getDescription())

        JsonWriter jsonWriter = Json.createWriter(writer);

        property = {
                Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=My Model Exporter Factory",
                Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR + "=My Company",
                ModelExporterFactory.FORMAT + "=json",
                ModelExporterFactory.MODEL_CLASS + "=com.myproject.models.MyModel"
public class MyModelExporterFactory implements ModelExporterFactory {

    public Exporter getExporterForType(String s) {
        return new MyModelExporter();

In this example, we have created a Sling Model called MyModel that has two properties, title and description. We have also created a Content Exporter called MyModelExporter that implements the Exporter interface and converts MyModel instances into JSON.

We have then created a Model Exporter Factory called MyModelExporterFactory that is registered as an OSGi service. This Factory is responsible for creating instances of the MyModelExporter.

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