OSGi configurations with different Run Modes in AEM

In AEM, you can create OSGi configurations specific to different Run Modes to customize the behavior of your instance.

To create OSGi configurations specific to different Run Modes, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to /apps/system/config in the CRXDE Lite console.
  2. Create a folder with the name of your OSGi configuration.
  3. Within this folder, create a subfolder with the name of your Run Mode, for example author, publish, custom, etc.
  4. Within the Run Mode subfolder, create a .config file with the configuration values specific to that Run Mode.

For example, to create a configuration for the sling.commons.log.level property for the author Run Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to /apps/system/config in the CRXDE Lite console.
  2. Create a folder named org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager.factory.config.
  3. Within this folder, create a subfolder named author.
  4. Within the author subfolder, create a new .config file named org.apache.sling.commons.log.LogManager.factory.config.author.config.
  5. In this file, add the following content:
    org.apache.sling.commons.log.level = DEBUG
  6. Save the .config file.

Now, whenever the author Run Mode is active, the sling.commons.log.level property will be set to DEBUG for this configuration. You can repeat this process for any other configurations you want to create for different Run Modes.

Remember to restart your AEM instance after making any changes to OSGi configurations to apply the new settings.

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