AEM – Sling Model

Sling Models is a powerful feature in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) that allows developers to easily map Sling Resource Properties to Java objects. Sling Models provides a simple and efficient way to access and manipulate data from the JCR repository in AEM.

Here are some key features and benefits of using Sling Models in AEM:

  1. Mapping of Sling Resource Properties to Java objects: Sling Models allows you to map Sling Resource Properties directly to Java objects. This simplifies the process of accessing and manipulating data from the JCR repository, making it easier and faster for developers to work with content in AEM.
  2. Simple annotations-based syntax: Sling Models uses annotations-based syntax to define the mapping between Java objects and Sling Resource Properties. This syntax is easy to understand and use, making it accessible to developers with varying levels of experience.
  3. Type-safe access to content: Sling Models provides type-safe access to content, which helps to prevent errors and reduces the amount of boilerplate code required. This makes it easier to work with content in AEM and can help to reduce development time.
  4. Reduced code duplication: Sling Models reduces code duplication by allowing developers to reuse Java objects across different components and templates. This helps to improve code maintainability and reduces the risk of errors.
  5. Improved performance: Sling Models can improve performance by reducing the number of JCR repository queries required to access content. By mapping Sling Resource Properties directly to Java objects, Sling Models reduces the overhead associated with querying the repository.

Create a Component with Sling Models in AEM 6.5:

Here’s how you can create a component with Sling Models, follow these steps:

  1. Create an interface: The first step is to create an interface that defines the properties you want to map from the JCR repository to the Java object. This interface should include getter and setter methods for each property you want to map.

    For example:

    package com.mycompany.myproject.models;
    public interface MyComponentModel {
        String getTitle();
        void setTitle(String title);
        String getText();
        void setText(String text);
  2. Create a model class: Next, create a model class that implements the interface you created in the previous step. This class should include the @Model annotation to identify it as a Sling Model.

    For example:

    package com.mycompany.myproject.models;
    import javax.inject.Inject;
    @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL)
    public class MyComponentModelImpl implements MyComponentModel {
        private String title;
        private String text;
        public String getTitle() {
            return title;
        public void setTitle(String title) {
            this.title = title;
        public String getText() {
            return text;
        public void setText(String text) {
            this.text = text;

    In this example, the @Model annotation specifies that the class should be used as a Sling Model, and the @Inject annotations specify which properties to inject.

  3. Create the component: Now you can create the component that will use the Sling Model. In AEM, create a new component and specify the Sling Model class you created as the Model Class property.
  4. Use the component: Finally, you can use the component in a page template or other component by adding it to the page and configuring its properties. Any changes to the properties in the JCR repository will be automatically reflected in the Java object thanks to the Sling Model.

Overall, using Sling Models to create components in AEM can help simplify and streamline the development process, allowing you to work more efficiently with content in the JCR repository.

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