Java Booleans

In Java, a Boolean is a data type that can hold one of two possible values: true or false. Boolean values are used for logical operations and comparisons in Java programming.

Here’s an example of declaring and using Boolean variables in Java:

boolean isSunny = true;   // declaring a Boolean variable named "isSunny" with an initial value of true
boolean isRaining = false;   // declaring another Boolean variable named "isRaining" with an initial value of false

if (isSunny) {
   System.out.println("It's a sunny day!");   // if the "isSunny" variable is true, print a message

if (!isRaining) {
   System.out.println("It's not raining.");   // if the "isRaining" variable is false, print a message

boolean isWarm = isSunny && !isRaining;   // combining Boolean variables with logical operators
if (isWarm) {
   System.out.println("It's warm and sunny!");   // if both "isSunny" and "isRaining" variables are true, print a message

In the example above, we declared two Boolean variables named isSunny and isRaining. We assigned the value true to the isSunny variable and false to the isRaining variable.

We then used the if statement to check the value of each variable. The first if statement checks if the isSunny variable is true, and if it is, it prints a message to the console. The second if statement checks if the isRaining variable is false, and if it is, it prints another message to the console.

Finally, we combined the two Boolean variables using the logical operator && (AND). This new Boolean value is stored in the isWarm variable.

This example shows how Booleans can be used to control the flow of execution in a Java program.

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