Structure of a C Program

The structure of a C program generally consists of the following parts:

  1. Preprocessor Directives: This is where we include header files and perform other pre-compilation tasks.
  2. Global Declarations: This is where we declare variables and functions that will be used throughout the program.
  3. Main Function: This is where the program execution begins. It is mandatory for every C program to have a main function.
  4. Statements: These are the instructions that are executed in the main function, which perform the desired operations of the program.
  5. Functions: These are sub-programs that perform specific tasks in the program. They are called from the main function or from other functions.
  6. Comments: These are non-executable lines of text that are used to provide information about the program, its purpose, and its functionality.

It is important to note that the structure of a C program may vary depending on the specific requirements and complexity of the program. However, the basic structure mentioned above is followed in most C programs.

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