WordPress – Discussion Setting

WordPress Discussion Settings is an administrative feature that allows you to configure settings related to comments and discussions on your website. To access the Discussion Settings screen in WordPress, you must log in to the WordPress Dashboard, go to the Settings menu, and select Discussion.

Here are the key Discussion Settings that you can configure:

  1. Default article settings: This setting allows you to configure the default behavior of comments on your website. You can choose to allow or disallow comments on new posts, and you can also choose to allow or disallow pingbacks and trackbacks.
  2. Other comment settings: This setting allows you to configure various settings related to comments, such as the maximum number of links allowed in comments, whether users must be logged in to comment, and whether comments must be manually approved before they are published.
  3. Email me whenever: This setting allows you to configure email notifications for new comments and comment moderation.
  4. Before a comment appears: This setting allows you to configure whether comments must be manually approved or if they are automatically approved.
  5. Comment moderation: This setting allows you to configure specific words or phrases that, when used in comments, will trigger automatic comment moderation.
  6. Comment blacklist: This setting allows you to configure specific words or phrases that, when used in comments, will automatically send comments to the spam folder.

Overall, the Discussion Settings screen in WordPress allows you to configure various settings related to comments and discussions on your website. It is important to configure these settings correctly, as they can affect how visitors interact with your website and how you manage comments on your website.

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