WordPress – Writing Setting

WordPress Writing Settings is an administrative feature that allows you to configure settings related to writing and publishing posts on your website. To access the Writing Settings screen in WordPress, you must log in to the WordPress Dashboard, go to the Settings menu, and select Writing.

Here are the key Writing Settings that you can configure:

  1. Default Post Category: This setting determines the default category for new posts that are created on your website.
  2. Default Post Format: This setting determines the default format for new posts that are created on your website.
  3. Post via email: This setting allows you to publish posts to your website via email. You can configure a specific email address that you can use to send posts to your website.
  4. Update Services: This setting allows you to configure a list of update services that will be notified when you publish new content on your website.
  5. Formatting: This setting allows you to configure how WordPress handles formatting of text and images when you are writing a new post.
  6. Remote Publishing: This setting allows you to configure external applications to publish posts on your website remotely.
  7. Post Revisions: This setting allows you to configure the number of post revisions that WordPress stores for each post. This can help you manage your website’s database size.

Overall, the Writing Settings screen in WordPress allows you to configure various settings related to writing and publishing posts on your website. It is important to configure these settings correctly, as they can affect how your website handles new content and how it interacts with external applications.

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